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品 牌: HURST
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2023-09-18 09:25
1 台
50 台

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货)


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代表型号有:电机MODEL:T P/N:2602-009 115V,电机MODEL:PB P/N3204-024,T-SP SP-3188100RPM,马达 LBS P/N:SP-2831,电机PA3202-011
MODEL:4RPM,电机PA3202-014 MODEL:6RPM,KD 3402-008,电机3208-009,电机PB3204-026(6A 180),马达LBS 3604-001 ,马达PB3203-007,驱动马达T-SP P/N 2602-086,电容器2NF10KVER100-205,震动器ABV-60…… 美国HURST电机马达HURST无刷电机,HURST直流电机,HURST步进电机,HURST单相电机 
美国HURST公司生产的微型马达/直流电机以卓越的品质,优美的外形, 强的针对性设计,同类产品中 低的能耗和长的工作寿命成为微型电机市场.无刷直流电机动力制动 高效 减少EMI/RFIDMA/B/C/D DM MM 系列DMB2324B10002Brushed电机KC/D系列 KD3402-051Hybrid StepperH17/ET H23R/S系列
H17032434Permanent Magn e t DC StepperLS35/42 PA/BS S/A/B/CS TS系列PBS 3208-009 LS35005D LSG42012F56PPermanent Magn e t AC
SynchronousLY35/42 A/AB PA/B SA/B/C T系列PA 3202-014AC
Induction应用于高启动扭矩KN/H系列 KH
2423-003   电机直流电机齿轮电机步进电机同步电机齿轮同步电机线性电机马达直流马达齿轮马达步进马达同步马达齿轮同步马达线性马达控制器DC MOTORSTEPPING MOTORSYNCHRonOUS MOTORHYBRID MOTORCONTROLLER......常用型号(MODEL), 订货号(P/N):MODEL A :P/N 3001-001P/N
3001-003 P/N 3001-005 P/N 3009-001 P/N 3009-002MODEL AB :P/N 3005-001 P/N
3005-003 P/N 3011-001MODEL A :P/N 3002-023 P/N 3002-088 P/N 3002-025 P/N
3002-001 P/N 3002-059 P/N 3002-002 P/N 3002-003 P/N 3002-090 P/N 3002-005 P/N
3002-035 P/N 3002-047 
Hurst has been an integral part of life in Princeton, Indiana, since 1950 when a small family owned tool shop first opened its doors. Three generations of the Hurst family have maintained the strong quality and high customer satisfaction goals as the company advanced into designing and producing electric motors. For over 65 years, Hurst has been an innovator in the development, production and application of precision motors. Since then, Hurst has grown into one of the top producers of sub-fractional motors in the world. In 2010, we became a part of the Nidec Motor Corporation to combine technologies for the benefit of our customers.
自从1950年 家小的家庭工具店 次开门以来,赫斯特 直是印 安纳州普林斯顿生活中不可或缺的 部分。随着公司在电机设计和生产方面的不断进步,赫斯特家族三代人 直保持着强大的质量和高客户满意度的目标。65年来,赫斯特 直致力于精密电机的研发、生产和应用。从那时起,赫斯特已成长为大的亚分数发动机生产商之 。2010年,我们成为Nidec汽车公司的 部分,为我们的客户整合技术
Now as a strategic component of Nidec Motor Corporation, Hurst's product development teams have access to all technology support functions of a world leading motor company. This synergy enables Hurst to introduce new innovative motor and control technologies, providing rapid solutions for our customers. The interchange of ideas and technologies between Hurst and Nidec has been exciting and has led to the use of advanced computer share-vision technology for communications on a daily basis. Hurst’s highly skilled engineers use Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems with Pro/ENGINEER and SolidEdge software to design customer specific applications. These advanced technologies allow Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Nodal Analysis capabilities to be used.
现在,作为Nidec汽车公司的 个战略组成部分,赫斯特的产品开发团队可以使用 汽车公司的所有技术支持功能。这种协同作用使赫斯特能够引进新的创新电机和控制技术,为我们的客户提供快速解决方案。赫斯特和Nidec之间的思想和技术交流令人兴奋,并导致在日常通信中使用 进的计算机共享视觉技术。赫斯特的高技能工程师将计算机辅助设计(CAD)系统与Pro/ENGINEER和SolidEdge软件 起用于设计特定于客户的应用程序。这些 进的技术允许使用有限元分析(FEA)和节点分析能力
Nidec is where technology and engineering come together to create solutions for the benefit of our customers, driven without compromise for a world in action.
Nidec是技术和工程结合在 起,为我们的客户创造解决方案的地方,推动着 个不妥协的 的行动。
Initially, Hurst’s core business focused on instrument grade timing motors and assemblies, stepper motors and controls as well as standard line motors. Today the business has grown into manufacturing low-cost, high performance brushless DC servo motors for many markets, including medical and computer applications.
初,赫斯特的核心业务集中在仪器 定时电机和组件、步进电机和控制以及标准线电机。如今,该业务已发展为制造低成本、高性能的无刷直流伺服电机,应用于许多市场,包括医疗和计算机应用。
One such application required the implementation of multiple brushless DC motors into a single mail processing unit, at a reasonable cost. Hurst eagerly accepted the challenge. To accomplish this task, Hurst engineers chose the servo motor line because of its capability to satisfy all 13 
applications necessary for the mail processor by using just four motor sizes. The cost-effective servo motor also offered a low rotor inertia making it capable of quick response.
其中 种应用要求以合理的成本将多个无刷直流电动机实现为单个邮件处理单元。赫斯特急切地接受了挑战。为了完成这项任务,赫斯特工程师选择了伺服电机线,因为它的能力,以满足所有13个应用所需的邮件处理器只使用四个电机大小。高性价比的伺服电机还提供低转子惯性,使其能够快速响应
润和国际贸易(上海)有限公司是 家新兴的进出口贸易公司,集设计,成产,销售为 体的综合型公司。
依托于上海的贸易便利性,公司享有着价格的天然优势,同时公司拥有自主进出口权,可以便捷的为国内客户提供各种优质的产品。公司起源于香港,有着多年的行业从业经验,公司拥有 支业务精通,操作能力强的骨干队伍。在为客人提供多种产品代购方案的同时,还可以为海外客户开拓中国市场提供专业化、个性化、全天候服务。
  公司 直坚持“以人为本”的理念,尊重与我们有联系的各方人员,包括顾客,员工,合作伙伴及社会团体;以诚信作为公司发展的宗旨,“诚”为本,“信”为用;不断改善、创新,以实现公司与客户的双赢。
Rey Young  
Sales Manager 
R&H International Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Room 1118, Building 1,No.5018 Hutai Road, Shanghai City. China



